Ukrainian Cultural Project Oberig_Ukraine

This is how the Universe works: any events become an impetus for the release of energy, and in which direction to use it depends on a person. People are the main and most valuable asset.

The full-scale war became a real test for Ukrainian society, and for the art front it was an opportunity to give birth to new meanings and achieve synergy for the common goal – our Victory!

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It so happened that during the active phase of the war, the town of Skole, Lviv Oblast, became a real art cluster, which brought together Ukrainian artists who not only imprinted their paintings on canvas, but also transferred them to real guitars of the Ukrainian brand Valiant Guitars (, produced in partnership with a UK-based privately-owned business, Bare Knuckle Pickups.

And then, those who play musical instruments joined this collaboration, namely NAONI Orchestra (Oles Zhuravchak and Nicky Rubchenko).

The mission of the project is a conceptual visualization of the cultural code of the Ukrainian Nation’s Victory.
The goal of the project is to let the viewer see the distinctive cultural pattern of the Ukrainian nation’s DNA, rendered through a unique combination of authenticity and modernity, using various art tools.

Famous Ukrainian artists wanted to participate in the project, namely:

Andrii Bludov
Creates paintings and graphics in the Land Art style. The artist’s special project is called Voices. It offers a concept in which a person creates the volume and content of his or her images, which they will rewind before death. But film and photography by no means turn into a “prosthesis” of memory. They remain its final medium when the characters they depict pass away. Speaking about the project, well-known philosopher, academician Serhiy Krymsky said that photographs in the artist’s paintings appear as “metaimages of a certain anthropological reality.” He also emphasized the artist’s transformation of icon painting techniques and his ability to turn old photographs into symbols. The artist’s paintings are included in Ukrainian museum collections, as well as in galleries and private collections in Switzerland, Belgium, the United States, the Netherlands, Austria, France, Spain, and Ukraine.

Petro Bevza
Petro Bevza’s works are exhibited in the National Art Museum of Ukraine (Kyiv), Center for Contemporary Art Soviart (Kyiv), Zaporizhzhia, Odesa art museums, the Modern Art Museum Plast-Art (Chernihiv), the National Museum in Lviv, the International Renaissance Foundation (Kyiv), the National Bank of Ukraine (Kyiv), The Kunsthaus Pasquart (Biel/Bienne, Switzerland), the Ukrainian Institute of America (New York City), as well as kept in private collections of Ukraine, Russia, Poland, the UK, the United States, France, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Jordan, Israel, Sweden, Switzerland, and Canada.

Sergey Barannik

Outstanding Ukrainian sculptor of monuments, a member of the creative group of the alternative art Mariupol-87, chairman of the board of the Mariupol organization of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. He was born in the town of Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Sakhalin Oblast (the then USSR, now Russia), on October 21, 1952. Before February 24, 2022, he lived and worked in Mariupol, in a residential building on 148 Artema Street, ap. 30. However, Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine divided his life into “before” and “after” ( The artist’s works are stored in the funds of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, the Mariupol Museum of Local Lore, museums in Poland, Palestine, in private collections in Italy, Canada, Germany, Poland, the United States, Ukraine, and France.

Vladislav Shereshevsky

His artworks are made not only in the realistic tradition (easel painting), but also in the aesthetics of primitivism, grotesque, postmodern irony and self-irony, Neo-Pop Art.

Roman Minin
Escape Plan from the Donetsk Region is one of his key works. What he dreams about is “to teach software to create monumental artworks in his own style.”

Charity Dinner in Paris auction and Oberig_Ukraine lot for EUR 30,000

In July 2022, the Charity Dinner in Paris, a charity auction launched by the Ukrainian charitable foundation Way of Peace took place in Paris, France. Oberig_Ukraine took part in this event. The piece of art created by artist Andrii Bludov is a guitar of the Ukrainian brand Valiant Guitars, produced in partnership with the UK-based business, Bare Knuckle Pickups, which has an artistic design and a painting. The art object symbolizes Ukrainian soldiers’ bravery and their invincible courage, and it is thus called Courage.
Currently, the project continues to run, serving as a multicultural platform both for famous Ukrainian and foreign artists!

Author: Nataliya Sydorenko PR Officer Advance Finance Alliance and culture project Oberig Ukraine

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